How Can Medical Treatments Put a Stop to Vein Problems?

If you have first time heard the term “Varicose Vein” or someone in your family recently diagnosed with this fatal disease, you have come by the right place. To understand you better, here’s a simple explanation of Varicose veins. You may have studied before that the inside blood vessels used to transfer blood from body parts to the heart are known as veins. When these veins stop working their regular function and enforce blood to reverse flow, the problem arises. The veins underneath the skin appear swollen, twisted, and dark bluish. Research shows that almost 24 percent of adults around the globe are susceptible to varicose veins.  

Common risk factors for developing varicose veins

People who tend to stand for a long time at a stretch are most prone to the advancement of varicose veins. Some common factors, including vein injury, acute constipation, obesity, gender, blood clotting issue, family history, increased age, pregnancy, and many others, aggravate the risk of emerging varicose veins. 

Common vein problems that result in varicose veins

You may rest assured of the development of varicose veins by examining the symptoms like leg cramps, leg swelling, discoloring of skin in the leg, bulged vein, vein thrombosis, bleeding, flaky skin around the affected area, severe aching after the same positioning for a prolonged period, and inflammation around the damaged veins. Women are more likely to experience varicose veins due to the structure of in-grown hormones. 

Preventive measures to restrict varicose veins well in advance

Considering the acuteness of varicose veins, you may build a strong, resistant power in advance to prevent the severity of the disease. Do the following things: maintain your ideal body weight, move your body regularly, eat fibrous food to keep away from constipation, avoid the same positioning of the body, balance weight on both the legs alternatively, and raise both legs on pillows for a short period daily. In addition to these preventive measures, you may depend on natural cures like applying topical moisturizers to improve the skin texture, ease pain and improve the outlook of varicose veins. 

Major consideration before adapting to surgical treatment 

If you are left with the last choice of surgical treatment, remember the following points to eliminate the affected veins caused by varicose veins.

  • For eradicating mild symptoms, you may rely on home care like elevating legs on the chair, wearing elastic stockings, practicing regular physical exercises, and losing extra fat from the body. Although if you can’t get enough solutions from trying out these above procedures, move your decision to get surgery.
  • If you are conscious about the appearance of your legs, doing surgery from renowned vein doctor Brooklyn will be a wise choice. Make it clear that home remedies can’t have the ability to enhance the look of your damaged veins. It is the surgical procedure that will effectively treat your vein distortion and eliminate other symptoms. However, make sure surgery will result in scarred legs.
  • Your nature of treatment will depend on the largeness of your varicose veins. For large-size veins, stripping or radiofrequency closure will be best to treat affected veins effectively. If you are diagnosed with medium-type varicose veins, you can opt for external laser treatment, sclerotherapy, micro-phlebectomy, and other small surgeries. 
  • Before deciding on surgical treatment for varicose veins, take advice from your physician. Don’t forget to scrutinize your insurance policy to ensure that it will cover the cost of your surgery. 

Final thoughts

Unless you suffer from medical issues caused by varicose veins, there’s no requirement for invasive treatments to ease out your physical conditions. Talk to your vein doctor Brooklyn and get the clearest knowledge to treat the varicose vein effectively.