Golf rangefinders can make your life playing golf easier, faster, and more convenient. Its function is simple – it provides you with accurate information regarding the distance between you and a target hole (or just a target in general). Despite this seemingly simple function, there are a variety of features from different brands of golf rangefinders that it can be hard to choose one for you.
In this article, we will discuss some of the important things you should know about golf rangefinders, including some of our recommendations in terms of features. Meanwhile, if you are looking for the best golf rangefinders this 2021, you can visit Without further ado, let’s start:
Features to look for in a golf rangefinder
- Accuracy
A rangefinder that is not accurate will not provide any kind of improvement to your golf game, making it useless. To test for accuracy, you can repeatedly measure the distance measurements while not changing your location or positions. An accurate rangefinder should have a consistent reading with only minimal changes to account for small changes in your hand’s position.
A rangefinder that fluctuates between readings even if you don’t change your position shouldn’t be used, since its accuracy is not reliable.
- Rangefinder display and optics
Another indicator of an excellent golf rangefinder product is how easy it is to operate while playing golf. For this reason, the display of a rangefinder should be clear, and easy to get information from. Take note that the majority of modern rangefinders incorporate a diopter adjustment, which aims to improve the user’s focus while getting the yardage measurements.
- Target lock mechanism
Golf rangefinders employ a variety of technology to lock on a target, with some systems working better and providing faster results. The alerts when a yardage reading was calculated can come in form of jolt technology, via pulse, or through visual indicators in the display of the rangefinder. The type of alert you should aim for is mainly dependent on your personal preferences.
Reasons for getting a golf rangefinder
Golf rangefinders are easy to carry
Even though golf rangefinders are useful when playing golf, some people are still skeptical on whether or not to buy one since they are concerned about carrying them while playing. Do not fret about this, since golf rangefinders are surprisingly easy to bring with you during a round of golf. They have small and lightweight builds, which will add only a little weight to your usual load while playing golf.
Golf rangefinders are often designed similar to camcorders, and they also come with carrying cases that can be easily integrated into your existing golf bag. There are even rangefinders that can be worn similar to a watch, making them even more easier to carry around.
Golf rangefinders will improve your golf skills
Regardless of whether you are a golf professional or just a novice, you will gain improvements when using a golf rangefinder. Practice will make you better when playing golf, and a golf rangefinder will provide you with information that can aid you in how you hit the golf ball.
A golf rangefinder will allow you to rely less on guessing how much distance there is between you and your target, which will improve your skills in the long run.
Getting the right golf rangefinder with the proper features is essential to enjoying a game of golf. Make sure that a golf rangefinder has the features that you need personally, like the level of portability, information readily presented on the screen, and other handy features.